
Auto-installation #

The new version of MT4 Exit Manager installs the PipeServer into MT4 automatically. If, for some reason you don’t see the PipeServer in the C:\Program Files\MT4 Exit Manager\MQL4\Scripts folder. Proceed with the steps below. Otherwise, skip to the Activate PipeServer section. 

Prerequisites #

MT4 and the MT4 Exit Manager should already be installed. If necessary, see the MT4 Broker documentation for OANDA, Forex.com, or the broker of your choice. 

Link MT4 with MT4 EM #

Connect MetaTrader 4 with the MT4 EM App by placing the PipeServer script in the appropriate Scripts Folder of the MetaTrader 4 instance(s) you wish to link.

MetaTrader 4

Locate the PipeServer #

The PipeServer script is in the Program Files installation folder: C:\Program Files\MT4 Exit Manager\MQL4\Scripts after installing the MT4 EM Application.

MT4 Pipe Server

Locate the MT4 Data Folder #

To do so, open MetaTrader 4, click the File Menu > Open Data Folder > MQL4 > Scripts. Note this location and then copy/paste the PipeServer file within the Scripts Folder.

MT4 Data Folder

Activate the PipeServer #

Drag the PipeServer script onto a chart within MT4 just like any EA, Indicator, or Script. Preference is to add the PipeServer onto the EURUSD 1 minute chart due to frequent updates with new data ticks. It is also necessary to enable Autotrading in the top toolbar.

Pipe Server - Chart

After attaching the PipeServer to the chart, ensure that Allow DLL imports and Allow live trading are checked.

Pipe Server Common Settings

The PipeServer runs successfully when the green clock icon appears in the lower right corner of the chart, as shown above. Installation is now complete, and the MT4 Exit Manager will run successfully. 

Troubleshooting #

If you see the message below when running the MT4 EM App, it most likely means that the PipeServer is not active within MetaTrader 4. Review the Link MT4 with the MT4 EM section above to resolve this issue.


Note: The MT4 EM will not run if MT4 and the PipeServer are not configured as described in the above section.

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